Start-ups: Money Matters

Start-ups: Money Matters

All founders eventually face the dilemma of choosing how to get their start-up off the ground – raise external funds or bootstrapping their venture. Each option has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, aspects that can have long-lasting effects on the vision a founder has for his company. How do you decide what is right?

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Start-up Investment 101

Start-up Investment 101

Start-up investors across the world are constantly evaluating investment opportunities that can given them staggering returns on their money. With a high failure rate of even venture backed start-ups, how can investors protect their investments? This is a comprehensive checklist of what should be kept in mind before making any start-up investment.

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Corporate Venture: Designing for Success

Corporate Venture: Designing for Success

The enterprise has forever been making investment in emerging technologies by way of the corporate venture capital, but increased industry disruption led by tech-startups has resulted in an exponential rise of corporate venture units. How do you ensure your corporate venture team is set up for success?

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The B2C to B2B Shift of Indian Start-ups

The B2C to B2B Shift of Indian Start-ups

40% of India’s start-ups operate in the B2B space, securing more than 30% of overall tech funding in 2017. 43% of new start-ups incorporated in 2018 were focused on B2B. With 3 Indian unicorns operating in the B2B space, 7 more are likely to reach unicorn status soon. Why aren’t Indian start-up founders focusing on the next 500M internet users in the country?

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Indian Start-up Ecosystem: Drivers and Boosters

Indian Start-up Ecosystem: Drivers and Boosters

A few excerpts from the Indian start-up ecosystem in 2018: 18 unicorns. 1200 new technology companies. 7700 founded since 2013. Funding of US$ 4.2Bn - up by 108% YoY. Walmart acquires Flipkart for US$16 Bn. One question: What’s driving this rapid growth?

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