Whitepaper: Innovation Models & Strategy

Whitepaper: Innovation Models & Strategy

Global organizations are increasingly looking to reinvent themselves to match their customer’s evolving preferences. With innovation emerging as a by product of culture, technology and mindset, there are numerous strategies that can drive a disruptive mindset. What is the best path to enterprise innovation for you and your business?

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Innovation Partners: Secrets to Success

Innovation Partners: Secrets to Success

It is no revelation that large organizations can benefit from the solutions put forward by global start-ups utilizing emerging technologies. There are many forces at play when considering a partnership between start-ups and large organizations. What are some of the more crucial barriers and how can they be overcome?

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Fintech Future: The COVID Impact

Fintech Future: The COVID Impact

The growth of digital financial products and services cannot be attributed to COVID. It also cannot be attributed to the fintech platforms and their technologies. With COVID shaking up traditional interactions, who is actually driving the fintech revolution? And what is it going to look like in a post-COVID world?

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Optimize Sales for Scale

Optimize Sales for Scale

Scaling a sales team is one of the most challenging aspects of running a company. Every founder knows that, product aside, a sales team can make or break a business. Scale too quickly and suffer from quality issues. Scale too slowly and lose out on potential revenue. How do you make sure you're always scaling for success?

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Sales Techniques to Succeed

Sales Techniques to Succeed

Growth is comprised of an increase in revenues, which is driven by net new business. Net new business is brought on by extraordinary sales teams. For anyone looking to become a better salesperson or learn techniques to grow their business in the new world order, here are a few proven sales strategies to drive maximum impact to your revenue.

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The Digital Transformation Opportunity

The Digital Transformation Opportunity

The world is very different today from what it was a few weeks ago. We are going through a definite before and after moment. While digital transformation was considered ‘optional’ for the most part, this global event has shown that it is now a necessity. The question most businesses are facing is, how? Read on to identify best practices while launching a digital transformation strategy.

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Building Digital Strategies

Building Digital Strategies

It is no secret that technology is rapidly changing the global commerce environment. Companies are now being forced to create digital strategies to maintain relevance for a dynamic consumer base. What should organizations keep in mind while planning for digital transformation?

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Formula One and Innovation

Formula One and Innovation

Companies and teams can often struggle with the implementation of innovation, particularly from a human capital perspective. In a space with blurred concepts but defined successes, how can innovators learn from Formula 1 teams, keeping everything streamlined at over 300kmph?  Read on.

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The Innovation Human Factor

The Innovation Human Factor

Innovation is no simple feat. It is a combination of multiple facets, thought processes and components transforming into differentiation. While there are several tangible aspects of innovation within organizations across industries, it is crucial to focus on the intangible. The Human Factor.

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Redefine Innovation

Redefine Innovation

Innovation emerged as an unspoken initiative that predicted what consumers wanted, pivoted how companies operated and altered the future of industries. It was fresh, it was exciting and absolutely revolutionary. Fast forward a few years, and innovation is everywhere, losing its true essence and meaning. So, stop innovating today.

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Teams: EQ vs IQ

Teams: EQ vs IQ

While high IQ teams are crucial for success, after a certain IQ threshold, EQ has proven to be twice as important. EQ is a strong component in how people interact with one another, ultimately establishing and sustaining a strong work culture. What are the common traits for a high EQ hire?

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Start-ups: Accelerator Selection

Start-ups: Accelerator Selection

The emergence of numerous start-up accelerators across the world has left start-up founders spoilt for choice when it comes to utilizing a program to accelerate company growth. However, all accelerators are not the same. It’s critical to consider the characteristics of each program before participating, to ensure that the time and resources spent will translate into valuable returns.

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Start-ups: Money Matters

Start-ups: Money Matters

All founders eventually face the dilemma of choosing how to get their start-up off the ground – raise external funds or bootstrapping their venture. Each option has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, aspects that can have long-lasting effects on the vision a founder has for his company. How do you decide what is right?

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Start-up Investment 101

Start-up Investment 101

Start-up investors across the world are constantly evaluating investment opportunities that can given them staggering returns on their money. With a high failure rate of even venture backed start-ups, how can investors protect their investments? This is a comprehensive checklist of what should be kept in mind before making any start-up investment.

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Sparking Innovation through Agile

Sparking Innovation through Agile

Innovation & agile. Two terms are often heard together and even more often used interchangeably. While they can (and do) exist together, there is a fine distinction that separates them. Extremely innovative teams may churn out revolutionary ideas that may not see the light of day if disparate business units resist even the thought of change. How do you incorporate a sense of agile within your organization?

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