Innovation Teams: Hire Better

Innovation Teams: Hire Better

There are hundreds of innovation teams and departments operating with boots on the ground, scanning for the next big disruption or trend that could transform an entire industry. However, all teams aren’t the same. There are some that excelling at their roles in keeping their company at the forefront of innovation while there are some that well, aren’t.

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Corporate Venture: Designing for Success

Corporate Venture: Designing for Success

The enterprise has forever been making investment in emerging technologies by way of the corporate venture capital, but increased industry disruption led by tech-startups has resulted in an exponential rise of corporate venture units. How do you ensure your corporate venture team is set up for success?

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The Start-Up Vs. The Enterprise

The Start-Up Vs. The Enterprise

I recently met with a start-up founder and we touched upon the number of start-ups operating in the downtown Toronto area. He made a statement that was far more profound than I think he realized: “We’re taking Toronto back,” he said. “It’s been under the control of the large banks and other companies for far too long.”

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Understanding Innovation

Understanding Innovation

It’s thrilling to see the rise of innovation teams and open innovation techniques over the past few years. The focus of corporate innovation shifts according to where technology trends are heading, with the enterprise descending upon industry changes to stay one step ahead of the curve. But, what are they really looking for?

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The B2C to B2B Shift of Indian Start-ups

The B2C to B2B Shift of Indian Start-ups

40% of India’s start-ups operate in the B2B space, securing more than 30% of overall tech funding in 2017. 43% of new start-ups incorporated in 2018 were focused on B2B. With 3 Indian unicorns operating in the B2B space, 7 more are likely to reach unicorn status soon. Why aren’t Indian start-up founders focusing on the next 500M internet users in the country?

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Indian Start-up Ecosystem: Drivers and Boosters

Indian Start-up Ecosystem: Drivers and Boosters

A few excerpts from the Indian start-up ecosystem in 2018: 18 unicorns. 1200 new technology companies. 7700 founded since 2013. Funding of US$ 4.2Bn - up by 108% YoY. Walmart acquires Flipkart for US$16 Bn. One question: What’s driving this rapid growth?

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AI: Business Integration

AI: Business Integration

Technological advances are being made in tremendous strides, particularly over the last 20 years. AI is the latest breakthrough in technology that will dramatically alter the future of any business quick enough to embrace it. What should you bear in mind while designing an AI adoption strategy?

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Sustaining Relevance: Retail Innovation

Sustaining Relevance: Retail Innovation

Retailers are getting pushed into oblivion. That may sound blunt, but that is exactly what is happening. Every couple of months, there is news of a retail giant having to shutter a staggering number of outlets. To be honest, Toys R Us was the one that hurt the most. How can retailers avoid the retail apocalypse?

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Sustaining Relevance: Banking Innovation

Sustaining Relevance: Banking Innovation

Technology has changed the way the world functions and is reinventing how industries and companies of old have done business.Unprecedented advancements are forcing companies to quickly adapt and utilize technology to meet enhanced customer expectations. What should you focus on to stay relevant? 

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